I see the Finishing line…

If you had told me a year ago that i would quit my job, leave my husband and kids for 9 weeks to a far far away place, I would call you mad! Goes to show how life changes!

Anyway it’s week 7 in Boston and it has been a very low week for me. I have cried buckets! My family was here for 10 days and I under estimated the impact of them leaving! We had an amazing time together in Boston and Washington DC thanks to our Host Jacque! As we dropped them at the airport, I picked my Phynah up, gave her a big hug and kiss. Phynah is my 3 year old…what she said next left me uncontrollable! She said “mummy I want to stay with you” she was crying as she said this..I tried to hold it together so she didn’t see me cry! I thought if I cry, everyone might start crying. . hugged everyone and said bye….they were off! I sat in the car and suddenly tears started dropping, everytime I remembered the look on her face saying mummy I want to stay with you, more tears! I couldn’t hold myself back anymore, I started to wail like a child! Thankfully Tynah was with me and she was stronger than me, comforting me through it. Can you imagine driving with eyes glazed and full of tears? It’s hard!
This made me realise why exactly I am here! I have to do this!

We have been taught alot about leadership and strength. Babson college is the number one on entrepreneurship. The energy around the college is amazing! When you hear stories of Babson entrepreneurs and generally the Boston eco system, you want to stay! How can I take a piece of this to Scotland? The amazing energy, the ” just do it” attitude? I am determined to take this with me.
The teaching style is top class and in my opinion the best of the best! We have professors who are purely academic but also we have practitioners who run very successful businesses. Apart from Les Charm, my favourite professor is Ed Murram, he is your grandfather type of guy! So sweet and experienced. I just want to take him home! He is real, successful but makes things so simplified. Business and business leadership doesn’t sound hard to me now that I have done the fellowship, how will my Scottish people recieve my new found enthusiasm and attitude? I wonder πŸ€” change starts with me I tell myself. I can do this!
Bostonians have something that I want, the networking opportunities are immense! We have met companies and individuals who are so inspirational here! Mark Bamforth , Peter Gibbons, Helen Sayles , to mention but a few are global Scots who have touched me by how they want Scotland to succeed! Even though they don’t live in Scotland now, they want Scotland to succeed. Everyone we have met has a can do attitude. Americans are starters, they say don’t worry about failing, if you do at least try to fail fast, learn from it and move on.
We met students and did focus groups of our business opportunity! These kids give it like it’s hot! We were given an hour to explore their financial ecperiences , they enjoyed the class so much we took 1hour and 45 minutes! They are very open and honest, I felt like a teacher whose students are excelling and will go on to do great things! Their participation was amazing! I listened very carefully to the pain of not learning about money as kids. One person reminded me that sex education and financial education should be on the same level at school. I agree, if we don’t catch them young and embed healthy money habits they are more likely to make not so good money decisions as adults and this has a huge impact on our economy.
Next week we are off to silicon Valley also to learn about their eco system, I am so excited to see what it’s about! 9 weeks in total I will have been away from home, from my comfort zone, I have never been so self aware in my life! I have learned alot about myself and others..I am very confident that the skills I have learned here will take me forward in business nicely. Has it been easy? Hell no! Has it been worth it? Hell YES!


Kick off week …..

It’s been a few mad weeks here in Boston, mad in a good way….not much time to write but hey I love a good story and I don’t like not knowing what happened next when I read one. Anyway where was I?
Yeah, after many weeks we were finally told we are in..phew! It is happening, it has actually happened, we were so grateful and excited, the preparations begin, we don’t have that long, I needed to resign my job. This is so scary! I put it off for a few weeks, may be two. You have to do it at some point Tynah told me, just do it and get it out of the way. I wrote a beautiful email to my employer, is there such a thing as a beautiful resignation? Yes there is! Mine was. I was greatful for having worked and learned alot at NHS. But it was time to say adios! I was off to start a different journey, an amazing journey! Everyone at work was very supportive, I worked as part of a very small team. They made is as easy as possible for me to transition. More often with cake at my last few team meetings and a final farewell with lovely presents. Off I went!
Now I planned to spend as much time as possible with the kids as if to compensate for the time I would be away. We took a nice two weeks holiday and I tell you it was absolutely amazing! Quality time with my inner personal people! I made a conscious effort to enjoy the kids company, you will know if you are a parent, and i am being real here, sometimes the kids drive you nuts and their company may sometimes turn out to be “not so enjoyable” but this time I took extra time to think, talk, hug and love on my kids.
The time arrived that I had to go to kick off week. On arrival, everyone was waiting. There were 18 of us. We exchanged introductions, pleasantries and got to know each other, it was a little like going into the big brother house, not knowing what to expect, not knowing people’s personality and characters. Linda and Claudia were there to meet us and they made us all feel at ease.
So many panels, so much information about the Scottish entrepreneurial eco system. So much “can do” attitude! I can do this…I secretly told myself. We got to hear from other fellows, CEO’s, strathclyde uni, gosh all these people seem to be excited for us! My assumptions for the course started to be realised. It’s gonna be great I told myself over and over. I was inspired by so many speakers my highlight was Seonaidh MacDonald an ex CEO who told us his amazing journey and how he managed his company’s exit to a US major! I loved his values, his work ethic, his ethos, his style I mean I loved everything about his story. I am just about to start mine I giggled to myself, with my best friend! How cool is that? There was this girl Marie Owen of LS productions, she blew my mind in so many ways too. Her easy going nature and approach to business, her story and how she started very much resonated with me. I want to be like this, to tell my success story to inspire someone else. I am a business leader, I am an entrepreneur I constantly had to remind myself. The immense opportunities that lay ahead! We had a session with Les charm our programme Director. Omg! Les is a very lovely guy but by God does he love to make us comfortable with the uncomfortable. He would pick random people in class and asked the same question. Tell me why I should invest in you? My heart beat so fast every time he would speak thinking he was going to choose me and I would be tongue tied. And Alas! He called me out on the second day! Oh crap! What do I say? Remember I have been preparing myself for a couple of days. My mind went blank.. Les had advised us that if he asks a question and you dont know the answer just say cash! I went cash! Everyone laughed..that made it easier for me to pitch about myself. My heart still beats by the way when Les does this exercise. A little less than before so this is to show that I am learning and growing. Anyways the week ended on a high we had all kind of known each other abit, we had to go back home and pack our bags for Boston. We had a day in between.
It was such a mad week but in a very inspirational way, my head was mince with information…how do I even start to apply all this information overload? One thing for sure is the support system that the foundation have in place. Saltire Alumnis at hand to help and support you. People were happy to talk and were available genuinely.
I went home for another round of good byes to my people! On the day we left for Boston, they all came to the airport. I had forewarned them, I only want smiles when mummy goes to the airport, I don’t want tears…I was worried I would wail, I was in essence telling myself too. It’s not easy leaving 3 beautiful kids that I had never been away from all their lives! My Phynah only 3 years old. I gave her lots of cuddles again as if to compensate. They made me proud no one cried. “See you in a few weeks” , my hubby gave me a squezy hug and re assured me, “I will hold the fort, you go do this” I was confident between him, my sis Juliet and Tynah’s husband they had a good plan. Off we went. We even chanced it to see if we could get an upgrade to 1st class ha ha ha ha nah it didn’t happen. But then again, you don’t ask you don’t get….




Are we in? The wait, the phone call!

One thing I have learnt from this whole process is you don’t ask you don’t get simple! So Linda phones us! If you know Linda you know how much energy she has. We were on the phone for over an hour and a half! We asked if We could get on the course together, we explained our vision, our dream! We were asking all the questions. She settled our worries often by saying you girls going to do great in her Canadian accent. We talked through all the options, the finance, if we didn’t make it through the interview, what to expect, a hugeeeeee range of things but honestly with Linda’s enthusiasm, we were like yeah we can do this! But crap the other halves had to be on the same page!

So we planned the chat with the husbands on the possibility that this might happen. We made all possible solutions to put the guys at ease with all the fears and worries. We planned how the childcare might work while we were away, how the finances will look like, what we might have to cut back and so on and so form. We knew if we didn’t have solutions to the problems that might arise while we were away, there might be a kickback. Now for you who may know my Nathan you know he always supports alot of my very many crazy ideas! But this was huge! I had to leave my job, meaning we had to survive on one income. He is a glorified painter and decorator ( read interior designer) which means work varies and trickles in very slowly sometimes. So I am the one that had a regular income in the house I would have to give it up. Hmmmm that might be a hard one with three kids and a household to run? Anyway we both went home after the phone call equipped with solutions to future problems. After the kids were in bed, usually myself and Nathan make a conscious effort to talk to each other about our days, anything planned solve some world problems ( do couples do these weird things? ), watch a movie or do something couple ish….this evening was when I chatted to him about my saltire fellowship plan. He listened, he saw beyond now, he pondered. All he said to me was, you really want to do this right? He said, let’s take one day at a time it’s a long process so let’s see how this pans out..We briefly talked about finances but I had a plan. I always do and he trusts my plan because he knows I would never put my inner most people in a ditch intentionally.
I also had to speak to my “step in” mummy Juliet. If you have met Juliet you know she will move mountains for others even though she can’t push a stone! I talked her through my plan as she had to step in as mummy while I am away! She was very apprehensive at first, she had the same worries as I did initially. I reassured her we will be fine if she takes one day at a time. She seemed to give me a thumbs up but not quite. You see Juliet is like my dad may his soul Rest in peace! They both believe you must have a secure job, they are cautious like that. And I am like my mum, entrepreneurial and business minded, she always tried small business here and there, although my mum was not highly educated she had the best business ethos and I must have learnt this from her. My advise to other parents is that your kids are watching you, they are picking up your traits so whatever you chose to do, do it well because unconsciously kids are learning and watching. However much you talk to them and advise them, they will pick out of your actions. It will all be fine I told Juliet. Let’s be positive

The next day I couldn’t wait to catch Tynah on the phone and see what her hubby had said! He is soooo excited and up for It, she said. Wow let’s start getting ready for our interview. We had to go away for our annual festival the big church day out! Both families go to this so it was a perfect weekend coz everyone is usually buzzing and excited so we told some friends and family about it who prayed with us and wished us well. We will study at big church day out, let’s take our case study, we will find time I told Tynah. I was buzzing for many reasons but deep down I was also worried, what if we don’t get in I thought? What if we can’t pay? How will we survive? Many questions lingered in my mind even though I reassured my husband, I had my secret fears! We didn’t touch the case study that weekend as we were busy having fun! Myself and Tynah would catch moments of wow this could be happening!
Our interviews were in about a week’s time. We worked late nights researching, the case study was amazing coz we were learning along the way! We were nervous, worried, excited all the emotions in one. The interview was at 2pm but we arrived in Edinburgh at 10am. Talk about being early! We are usually not the best time keepers but were not leaving anything to chance. We went to the library near by and did some more studying and discussions. We kept hugging each other , reassuring each other… At 1:45pm we arrived at the interview venue! We met Linda for the first time face to face! Linda’s energy just rubs off on you! We hugged. I pinched Tynah is that even professional? Do you hug your interviewer? She was cool. Like a long lost friend coz we had been bothering her on the phone constantly with questions. Then we met the rest of the team including Claudia who has been such a great support! The one thing about the Saltire foundation that sold me to go on the course is the culture they have, the inbuilt support to want others to succeed. You could see everyone genuinely wanted you to do well at the fellowship if you are ofcourse the right fit for the programme. Sometimes when we thought gosh we are just regular mums. These people would make us see our potential in many ways! They didn’t see us as regular mums. They saw us as entrepreneurial material. You see we started our organisation Passion4fusion purely out of chance! Having come to Scotland from Uganda we felt isolated, even though we were fully integrated in Scotland and we called it home there was a touch of missing our own food, music and the social aspect of our culture. So one day we decided we will just put out a flyer and do a Ugandan night and see who turns up! We were overwhelmed by the turn up! The hall was jam packed thankfully we had enough food to share and the music was booming. There were people from allover Africa, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Kenyans the whole lot! We realised very quickly that this was not only us that it was a big problem for our society. A few years later we formed Passion4Fusion.
Anyway they did catch our vision, our passion and the amazing things we were doing as a team.
We went from one boardroom to the other swapping over interviewers. It was a grilling interview but I genuinely felt that they wanted you to be the right fit..after the interview we chatted for a bit and as we said goodbye we hugged some of our interviewers. Who does that? Ha ha ha ha
We walked out of the building in giggles. Omg we have just finished our interview! Do you think we will get in? Do you think they liked us? Wait……….the car behind ours has a parking ticket on it! Oh crap that’s Linda’s car. Let’s take it off and pay it for her! She will be in a bad mood and make a decision that we won’t get in! Random thoughts of desperation!

They said they will call us in a few days to let us know….The wait oh the wait!! Claudia had said we will hear by next week our interview was on a Wednesday. By Friday we hadn’t heard from her! I sat at my work looking at my phone every 2 minutes! This is Friday sure she will call today? My WhatsApp was buzzing, I am sure you may have guessed from Who? She was like phone her, ask her, please call them I am like no you do it, you do it…no one wanted to do it as we were afraid what might be heard from the other end, either a yes you got in or a sorry you didn’t. The weekend was hellish..why didn’t they call? They sounded so positive at the interviews. Turns out they were waiting to hear back from some funding for us… I had picked up the courage and phoned Linda to ask why they were not calling us back. Did we get in or did we not?



Our Saltire Fellowship Journey!

I packed my bags and kissed my babies goodbye. Off to RBS business school we went for kick off week!  Prior to this I told them mummy was going to boarding school. Growing up in Africa, it was prestigious to go to boarding school, your parents had to pay for it and you had to put in the hard work! It was exciting to see  your friends but also achieving good grades so that at the end of term, you brought home a good report. I shared all these stories with my kids. So yes, I told them I was going away for 10 weeks to Boarding school. Not really I am off to Boston in the US of A but that’s the easiest way I would make them understand! At first it was scary and teary. If you know me and the attachment I have for my kids, you know what a huge sacrifice this is for me! 10 weeks? That’s so many days mummy? We don’t want you to go ! That broke my heart! πŸ˜“πŸ˜“Inside I was tearing apart but I had to put on a front, I had to be brave. We sat there holding hands with my 3 little people! I told them to look on the brighter side, all the pizza and burgers that daddy would make! ( they love this) mummy loves cooking from scratch and making them eat green beans, carrots and etc…I saw their little eyes starting to brighten up! Secretly excited they started to ask the questions that I wanted to hear! Will you phone us mummy? What time will it be in America when we wake up? Can we see you on video? We finished on a high and I knew my kids were fine for me to go! Not so sure my 3 year old understands it all yet!
As we Sped off to RBS business school, I knew this was right! I was too excited to start my new journey at the saltire fellowship! As a mum I have devoted over 10 years of my life to my kids and other jobs to be afloat, this time I was doing this for me! Taking myself out of my comfort zone to do something amazing for myself!
I would hopefully like to inspire other mums like me to say nothing is impossible, put your mind to it and you can do It!

3years ago my Bestie Tynah Matembe came to me with a proposition, she was like how about we go for an open day of this new programme she had heard about. For people who know us! One is like gas and the other is like the lighter, we spark light together! We are always buzzing and giggling. Most of our friends think we are nuts! Our husbands gave up! They just decided to be in with us instead of seeing this as a negative! wonder what exactly we talk about that never ends? She will phone me until her airtime allowance finishes! It’s all constructive stuff. Honestly! 😎😎So anyway she goes yea why don’t we go and see what it’s about? We had done many things and we both felt we needed something to push us, something to challenge us from mumsy mode! Not that mumsy mode is a bad thing. So we suited and booted and went to the open evening. I am normally the chatty one but this time I was tongue tied! When networking, somehow everyone sounded like they had achieved so much in their careers…I dreaded people asking me so what do you do? What field are you in? Gosh! Get me out of here….this is not my space! This is not where I am supposed to be! How can I say I am just a mum? They will laugh! I found my friend somehow in the crowd and smiled, can I speak to you for a minute? Normally I would just pull her over but this environment was too polished for me I felt the need to be that polite to Tynah! She came over and I whispered, let’s go to the toilet, I need to talk! In the toilet I said to her I was overwhelmed and needed to leave! Go get your bag, let’s go! I can’t stay here! She laughed so hard, she wasn’t feeling my pain! Only because she had a “friend” a connection she had made through someone else who had been a cohort. I dreaded speaking to people once we came out of the toilet.. She positively reminded me my good characteristics, my communication skills and said you can do this! My advise, surround yourself with people who believe in you, people who are challenging you in a positive way! I stayed and painfully went through the experience, but learnt alot! When we left I had a screaming moment in the car, like what the hell was that? I absolutely loved the experience but hated it at the same time. We had a debrief about it and decided yeah it would be lovely to do but totally out of our league! So over the three years we pondred and every so often the Saltire Fellowship would creep up! We would talk about it and how amazing it would be for us but we would leave it at that. We went on to do other jobs in that time with me working in mental health and later with the NHS in project management, i enjoyed my job.  But my cycle was from work to home , kids, dinner ,activities and blah blah blah …. and the cycle continued!

One evening in May as I was making dinner and getting ready for my even routine with the kids, the phone rang…i was busy I would answer it later, I checked it was Tynah. I will call her when the kids are in bed! Only reason is once we start talking, we don’t stop, so I have to make time after! Ringgggggggggg again! What’s the urgency? By the way when she phones and I don’t pick, she will phone my house, my husband, my sister everyone just to catch me! I reluctantly pick up the phone, my intention was to tell her let me finish with the kids, I will call you back. She was like noooooooo…… we need to talk NOW!!  No babe I have to finish with the kids. She said I have a confession to make! My mind started racing what has she gone and done now? She said sit down babe, we need to talk about this! Understand I was cooking dinner, forgot about it and went to sit down! Needless to say we had a burnt offering that night just to throw it in there too.

So Tynah had secretly put an application into the Saltire Fellowship. She received a call from Michaela who was inviting her for a possible chat about it. I could smell and feel the excitement fromher end! but there was one problem she was invited alone. Remember we agreed to do this together? ” Why? Coz we are damn good team together! We bounce off each other, We work well together, we spark off each other, we have loads of fun together! So she was not leaving me behind on this one. So she had asked if we could do this together! Michaela said she would speak to a couple of other people and would get back to us… Gosh Tynah what have you done? Do you know what commitment this calls for? Our kids? The finances? What if we get in? What if we don’t? There was a build up of both excitement, fear and anxiety! Nah we will never be able to afford this! It’s huge! I secretly thought. Plus 3 days later there was no phone call anyway. But do you know that way how you want it to happen but really you don’t want it to happen then you do?
